SELF WORTH & PERSONAL POWER. The solar plexus chakra is located at the top of our stomach and is the center of personal power and personal identity. It is connected to self worth, boundaries, ego and personality, personal freedom, confidence, self esteem, ethics and personal choice. Relationships and society are what cause this chakra to become blocked or imbalanced. Usually stemming from child hood when someone (often a parent or guardian) made us feel NOT GOOD ENOUGH/not loved enough/not worthy enough. This energy of feeling not good enough becomes embedded in the cells of our body and very often we begin to find ourselves in relationships and situations that bring out any of these; ANXIETY, SELF DOUBT, JEALOUSY, LACK OF CONFIDENCE, INSECURITY, FEELING TRAPPED AND NO SENSE OF SELF. This energy and emotion manifests into problems with our physical body. The solar plexus governs- the stomach, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, large intestine, adrenal glands, pancreas and skin. A common indicator for an imbalanced solar plexus is – stomach problems and acne. To heal we need to recognize and work on the inner trauma from childhood years or when the trauma occurred. And recognize the pattern of when we felt like this again and again in relationships or in situations. There is no quick fix to healing inner trauma and we must know that this is a commitment through energy healing, meditation, journaling, using our personal power to set boundaries, loving your self enough to choose yourself over anyone else especially over toxic lovers and relationships. 

Be authentic and honest with yourself of who you really are. Come into the understanding that people are always going to let you down and we cannot rely on anyone for feeling enough, loved and full because we are all human after – people will let you down without meaning to. We need to work on ourselves to the point that our power is within ourself, it is the knowing that we are enough and we fulfill ourselves. Feel confident in who you are and what you are capable of. It is so often an imbalanced solar plexus holds people back from the fulfillment of self worth and believing in ourselves to do what we truly want to do. Have self worth in your job, your social life and your relationships. 

Canggu Canggu bali, reiki , reiki healing, energy healing, Canggu reiki

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