Pre recorded Feminine Rites of Passage course
Pre recorded Feminine Rites of Passage course
This course is just $77 and you can do at your own pace at home
Feminine Rites of Passage Online Pre recorded Course $77
There is a continuing epidemic occurring within the collective, where the sacred passageways of womanhood are STILL being rejected, medicalized and weopanized by an outdated system and collective wounding. Through the rejection of the feminine & major rites of passages, women experience disconnect and disempowerment, creating fear, control, hysteria or numbness throughout their life.
However, a light is rippling across the Earth and women are waking up day by day and empowering themselves. They are doing the work to truly surrender, experience, feel and connect with the world and others. We are living in a powerful time of shifting consciousness and the feminine truly awakening and rising on the planet.
This pre recorded course contains:
- 3 x classes guiding you through teachings prompts & meditations on the sacredness, importance and meanings of the rites of passage
- 3 x guided meditations
- Journaling prompts
In this course you are guided to explore how your past experiences; rites of passages, and conditioning have shaped patterns that come from the shadow self. These patterns may affect your future rites of passages; such as marriage and commitment ceremonies, conceiving, birthing, menopause and creating (not only creating life but also creating and birthing projects).
“It is a true passion, mission and gift for me to walk women home, de-armoring all that has been built up through trauma, conditioning and wounding to bring you home to remember your womb, your heart, your primal inner being. To vulnerably express your heart, not only for yourself but for your future children to be able to feel their Mothers connected to their feminine essence.
After working with thousands of women over 7+ years in person, I have continuously heard and felt the pain of these women who grew up with an armored, disempowered Mother living in control and disconnect to their feminine essence. They didn’t receive the softness & soothing or true authentic empowerment of their Mother, they didn’t receiver the feminine energy they desperately needed. This has left a huge impact on their life and their relationships. I also speak for myself and personal experience.
Since being on my conception journey, pregnancy & preparing for birth. I have often wondered what a difficult time women must have who are not connected to their primal inner being through somatic, tantric practices. I often wonder what a difficult time those women experience who are disconnected to their voice, body, womb and truth.
I know for me, if I wasn’t on this devoted path, my journey would have looked absolutely different.” – Chelsea
We have all been through rites of passages, even if they were not celebrated or seemed as sacred at the time. Whatever happened during or around these initiations of our life cycles, whether conscious or unconscious; left an imprint on us and ultimately affected how we show up and how subconsciously relate to future rites of passages and life.
These patterns also affect your ability to connect with others in an open, authentic, surrendered, and receptive way.
The passages we will go through, bringing healing and awareness are 3 major sacred rites of passages:
- Your birth into this world
- First menstruation
- First penetrative sex
Through bringing healing, educating and awareness, you gain empowerment moving forward.
Purchase pre recorded course to do at your own pace at home for just $77USD